When The Pregnant Mother Feels Her Baby’s First Movements

28 Nov 17 pm30 14:35

When pregnancy hits the 4th month, the mother who has complications is going to feel better and enjoy eating more. Moreover, she acknowledges about baby’s first movements. That’s because the baby is growing and has more development.

Symptoms & Changes


 How To Take Care Of Yourself

It’s going to be a good time in the 4th month because she will have no morning sickness anymore like previous months. It not only helps the mother relax but also the baby will be healthy and developing effectively such as the brain, eyes, fingers , heart and etc. When there are no complications, it helps the mother eat more. Happy Mom.Life would like to focus on essential food for 4th month of pregnancy as follows:

Besides Food, Exercise Is A Must To Help The Mother's & Baby's Health

The mother can exercise by swimming, walking in the pool, soft aerobic, yoga. You should not jump, hang body, run or play anything that need a lot of energy because it’s risky to have accident and might affect to baby too.

Diseases and Complications

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Moreover, it’s better to prevent it. The best way to do is pregnant mother should be careful about food by consuming more fibers such as vegetables, fruits, and drink fresh water as much as possible, also have excretion on time and go out for exercise to enhance intestine’s movement.


Mothers should be careful more because the baby develops continuously.

Beside of variety of changes happened during the 4th - 6th month, the mother should (if possible) go on vacation because morning sickness just left and the belly size is not too big to make you feel uncomfortable. So, we suggest that pregnant women try to go on a happy getaway.

Credit image: Pinterest

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