How to Prepare your Child for the First Day of School

29 Nov 17 pm30 16:00

A lot of parents find it very difficult to send off their children to school especially on the first day. This is because kids tend to cry and refuse to go to school. This makes parents concerned about their child and want to take them back home.

It is a challenge for a mother to come up with various ways to make their child go to school. However, it is not surprising that kids tend to be cranky on their first day of school. This is because, kids do not understand why they have to go to school and it is a complete new environment for them.  It is important that parents recognize this and give them sometime to get used to the idea of school.

Today, HappyMom.Life would like to give you some advice based on how to prepare your child for the first day of school. We guarantee that this article will help make it easy for you and your child. Start off by talking to your child about the new things he /she will be experiencing at school.

Remind Your Child That School Is Fun

For example, remind your child that the teachers and friends at school are very friendly and fun, there is a big playground at school, and there are variety of candies and snacks. Moreover, parents must create a sense of familiarity for their child by taking them to school before their first day of school. So that they become familiar with the teachers, friends and the environment of the school.

Train Your Child To Be Independent

For example, train them to eat independently, potty train and teach them to dress themselves. This is to help them feel confident about themselves at school. If they are not trained to be independent they might feel doubtful when they see their friends being independent at school. Moreover, kids may feel that they are being treated differently at school and this can make them refuse to go to school in the future. 

Create a Routine For Your Child

Routine will help kids develop self-discipline. Start off by setting bed up time and meal time. Moreover, parents must prepare school suppliers such as school bag, stationary and uniform in advance. So that kids do not have to rush in the morning which can stress your kids.

Help Your Kids Socialize

This can be done by letting your kids play with neighbor’s kids or inviting cousins over. This will allow your kids to learn to be with others, considering different kids have different attitudes. Furthermore, this will automatically train your kids to different values such as, caring for others, sharing and generosity. This will help kids to get along with friends and not be shy at school.

Let Your Child Know What Time You Are Going To Pick Them Up

This is very important especially during the first days of school. This will help give kids a sense of security. It is important because kids expect to see parents waiting for them after school. if they do not see their parents they might feel anxious which can make them refuse to go to school in the future.

This can be a little challenging for both parents and the child. It is important to give it some time. Some kids may cry for 1 – 2 days, some may be cranky for weeks and months whereas, some of the kids may not be cranky at all. This depends on many factors such as the child’s attitude, parenting and adjustment. School does not have to be scary if parents work on helping kids to learn to have fun at school.

Credit image: Pinterest

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