7 Simple Work-Out Tutorial Clips For Your Mom & Baby's Exercise Routine In Thailand

05 Feb 18 pm28 18:58

As a new mom, you're busy morning till night, but that doesn't mean you can't squeeze in an effective workout. To prove it, we've put together some quick, energizing exercises that you can do at home in minutes. These simple mom & baby tutorial workout clips gathered by HappyMom.Life will be working out your whole body yet don't require hours of effort—plus, your baby will be front and center during these moves, so the two of you can bond while you're working out. You can do the "quickie" routines separately or together every other day. With your doctor's approval, it's fine to start doing these exercises as early as six weeks after you've given birth 

* Baby safety: When performing exercises in which your baby must hold his head up on his own, be sure he can do so without discomfort (usually starting at 3 to 4 months old).
* Mom prep: Before performing any exercise, roll your shoulders back and down and draw your navel toward your spine to protect your back. Inhale through your nose and expand your ribs. Exhale through your mouth, drawing your abdominal muscles in.

Video Credit: Youtube

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