7 Interesting Baby Body Language And How To Respond

05 Feb 18 pm28 23:27

So you are a mom now and you might be spending most of your time caring for your new bundle of joy, observing her movements, and trying to understand why she makes certain movements more than the others.

If this sounds like you, then you should think about reading this post. Because, here, we look at some ways to unravel the mysteries of baby-speak and talk about the different ways in which your newborn tries to express herself to you.

Reading Baby body language can tell you a lot about a baby’s mood and her feelings. So here, we list some baby body language keys to help you understand:

Kicking Legs

Your baby is happy and having a great time. Leg kicking is your baby’s way of expressing happiness. Mostly babies kick their legs when they are in a bathtub or while you are playing with them.

How To Respond:

You can set your newborn on your lap and sing a song. Kicking syncs with the rhythm of the song and such song make your baby happier

Arching The Back

A baby arches its back as a reaction to pain or uneasiness. Mostly, babies arch their backs when they suffer from heartburn.

How To Respond:

Help your newborn relax. If your baby arches its back in the middle of the feeding section, then it can be a sign of reflux. Avoid stressing on feeding if your baby spits up or cries, and make him/her comfortable

Head Banging

Babies bang their head on the floor or against her crib’s bars when they suffers irritability or pain. The rhythmic back-and-forth head banging offers soothing effect to your baby.

How To Respond:

If your baby hits her head often for long spans, then it is wise to visit a pediatrician for your baby’s check-up. Unlike your metalhead teen, don’t ignore baby’s head banging

Grabbing Ears

A baby grabbing their ears is the way to express their joy of discovering their ears. Also, your baby may pull its ears when teething. If your baby cries and grabs its ears, then she might be suffering from an ear infection.

How To Respond:

Join your baby in her quest to locate their ears. Help your baby to be comfortable when she is teething. Check with your pediatrician if your child suffers an ear infection

Clenched Fists

A clenched fist is a regular movement that babies make. But, clenched fist may also be a sign of hunger or stress. When your baby is hungry, he/she becomes tense and clenches their fist.

How To Respond:

Feed your baby if it is hungry. If your newborn develops a habit of clenching  fists persistently after they completed three months, then it is wise to check with your pediatrician

Scrunching-Up Knees

Baby scrunching up their knees is a sign of digestive discomfort. Your baby may scrunch up knees when suffering from uneasy bowel movements, gas, or constipation.

How To Respond:

Ease your baby. If your little one scrunches up its knees due to gas, help you baby burp. If you are nursing your baby, avoid eating foods that cause gas. If your little one suffers constipation, then check with your doctor. Give your baby sufficient water and some diluted prune juice

Arm Jerks

Arm jerks are baby’s reaction to the environment and a sign of alertness. Usually, your newborn will thrash its arms when it hears a sudden noise or experiences a bright light. Baby may also jerk its arms when you put them on the floor or if she feels a sudden loss of support.

How To Respond:

Arm jerks are the standard baby reflex, and they disappear after four months. Swaddle your baby when you put it to sleep. Swaddling your baby will provide him/her with enough support and prevent from jerking arms.

Photo Credit: Pinterest

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