10 Ways To Make Your Postpartum Belly Fat Disappear

06 Feb 18 pm28 14:25

The belly is one of the trickiest spots for most women. Sometimes it seems no matter how many crunches we do or diets we stick to, our bellies don't want to let go of those few unwanted pounds of fat. Whether you've been struggling for a while or are making your first attempt at trimming down, HappyMom.Life is here with all the tips and tricks you need to blast that belly fat for good!

Drink Tequilla (What?)

Research from the American Chemical Society has shown that drinking tequila can help you lose weight. Wait, what? The short version is that the agave plant, the thing tequila is made from, contains natural sugars called agavins. Agavins are non-digestible and act as a dietary fiber, meaning they won't raise blood glucose levels.

In fact, consuming agavins can help lower blood sugar levels while also producing a hormone called GLP-1, which helps you feel fuller longer. Don't get us wrong; we're not saying go out and drink all the tequila to be thin. However, if you're watching your waistline and want to enjoy a cocktail, tequila is a better choice than most.

Drink More Water

There are about eight million reasons water can help you shore up your core, but the main benefit is that it just fills you up. Drinking water before eating hydrates the body and helps send the mental receptors from the tummy to the brain that you are satiated. Dehydration can cause food cravings, so drinking water before your meal helps regulate those cravings.

Go To Bed Earlier

Diet and exercise can do wonders, but without adequate sleep, you may be stressing out your body, creating more cortisol (the stress hormone). Stress will pack on fat, especially around the belly. When [your adrenal glands] are not functioning optimally, fat will accumulate. That's why it's amazing that one of the best ways to trim your tummy is simply by getting some quality zzz's.

Sometimes the biggest reason holding you back from losing fat is your body's inability to fully recover from all the stress (including good stress like workouts) in your life! Sleep time is when your body finally is able to recover and rebuild after being broken down all day. Your body can only handle a certain threshold of stress of any kind, whether it's coming from your job, children, a hectic schedule, relationship problems, etc. If you are not consistently getting the bare minimum of 6 hours of sleep each night, focusing on sleep could be the key to pushing through a fat loss plateau

Go For Yogurt Whenever You Wanna Eat

There are two things you need to know to understand why yogurt is a key part of the war against belly fat. First, research has demonstrated that increasing your calcium intake can help you burn more fat. Second, consuming foods with probiotics (yogurt, sauerkraut, kombucha) can help repopulate the gut with healthy bacteria.
When you have a healthy balance of bacteria in your gut, you'll notice a significant decrease in belly bloat, which is often mistaken for belly fat.

Eat More (Good) Fat

We know it sounds counterintuitive, but certain types of fat can actually help you burn off that stubborn belly fat. The key is to opt for monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil, all natural peanut butter, and olives. Body fat accumulation was less in mice fed a diet rich in monounsaturated fats compared to those fed a diet high in saturated fats. As both groups of mice were offered diets with the same energy intake, the difference in body fat accumulation between the two diet groups was ascribed to the value of fat quality.

Go for Avocados

Avocados are another great fat-busting monounsaturated fat, but they warrant their own special call out for a few reasons. Avocados contain a rare form of sugar called 'Mannaheptulose' that helps to lower excess insulin levels that can prevent you from storing fat. On top of that, their high amount of micronutrients and healthy fat prevent cravings for hours.

Combine Cardio & Strength Training

Crunches are cool and all, but targeting specific areas doesn't always work. The key is to do more total-body exercises, especially ones that include a mix of cardio and strength training. While everyone wants a magic bullet, the sad truth that fitness experts know is that one can't spot reduce. When you incorporate regular exercise, all systems in your body start running properly, which means you'll be burning fat while strengthening your muscles – all which lead to a leaner, stronger body. That belly fat will be a thing of the past if you just get moving.

Up For Magnesium

Magnesium can be magical in terms of busting belly fat. Magnesium and the B-complex vitamins are energy nutrients. They activate enzymes that control digestion, absorption, and the utilization of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Lack of these necessary energy nutrients causes improper utilization of food, leading to such far-ranging symptoms as hypoglycemia, anxiety, and obesity.
Sometimes food cravings are actually cravings for nutrients. To avoid over eating, opt for magnesium-rich foods, such as pumpkin seeds, leafy greens, and avocado (another reason it's so great!). Furthermore, magnesium can also assist in restful sleep, which is another great belly-fat buster.

Cut The Carbs

Not all carbs are bad for you, but consumption of processed carbs should be kept to a minimum. They are not only fattening, but also addictive and energy-sapping. Exchanging the carbohydrates from sugar and sweets for whole grains and fruit will significantly help blast belly fat. Squash contains pectin, which regulates insulin and promotes a healthy blood sugar level (and thus, appetite level) throughout the day.

Manage Your Mind

Negativity and stress definitely play a role in unwanted belly fat. Negative thoughts about your body and belly set up a negative feedback loop. You feel bad about yourself, and then you need to comfort yourself, usually with sugar and food. Stop the cycle by mentally focusing on positive aspects of your body and your behavior. Make small, manageable behavior changes to spark a positive feedback cycle. This could be as simple as sitting down and taking ten deep breaths before eating, or taking up a daily practice of meditation.

Photo Credit: Pinterest

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