When Do You Need To Make An Appointment With The Fertility Doctor?

06 Feb 18 pm28 17:56

HappyMom.Life does understand how worried your couple can be if you two have been waiting that long for a baby. But when should/will you need to meet a fertility doctor? Check this out by rolling on this article.

If you're younger than 35 and haven't become pregnant after one year of unprotected sex, it's time to consult a fertility doctor. If you're age 35 or older, it's best to see a specialist after about six months of trying to conceive.

Certain conditions can also affect fertility, so it may make sense to get treatment before spending a full six months or a year trying to get pregnant naturally. Talk to your doctor if you have a history of:

Even if you've never been diagnosed with a specific medical condition, certain symptoms or physical characteristics can indicate a problem that could affect your fertility. Talk to your doctor if you have trouble getting pregnant along with any of the following signs:

Keep in mind that smoking, drinking alcohol, having more than 300 mg of caffeine daily (about two 8-ounce cups of coffee), or being significantly overweight or underweight can also negatively impact fertility and pregnancy.

Photo Credit: Pinterest

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