Should Moms Do Hair Treatments While They Are Breastfeeding?

06 Feb 18 pm28 19:54

While breastfeeding, the breastfeeding hormones may make your hair really dry and dull. Actually, even just giving birth and hence losing the pregnancy hormones, is enough to start losing hair. Not much fun! Many moms are eager to go find a hair salon for fixing their messy hair, yet, HappyMom.Life has got something to tell you right now.


Most new moms don’t have a lot of time to spare at the hairdresser, but some kind of hair treatment might seem like a really good idea to make the boring post-pregnancy hair look better.But is it a good idea? When you breastfeed, a lot of what you put into your body will reach baby through the milk. For example, we all know that alcohol, nicotine, and drugs will reach the baby through the breast milk. Several studies show that some environmental pollutants also gather in the milk.

There are no known reports of negative effects for the baby among breastfeeding moms who receive hair treatments, and most likely for the following reasons:

There are no indications, but also no real research carried out on whether chemical hair treatments while breastfeeding may harm your baby, but there are some concerns about hair treatments during pregnancy. Our conclusion – go ahead with your hair treatment while breastfeeding, but do it wisely.

You can fix your hair and still minimize the risk of harmful substances reaching your baby:

Photo Credit: Pinterest

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