3 Common Baby Eyes Conditions and Treatments

09 Mar 18 am31 10:23

Babies aren't born with perfect vision and eye-health. In fact, a newborn's eyesight is so poor that he can't see anything farther than 10 inches away and it can be very sensitive to suffer bad conditions around his living place. You may be concerned about how bad eye common eye symtons will affect your babay's eye health ability then find out ways to care for him. 

HappyMom.Life will be giving you these 3 most common baby's eye symptoms explanation and its treatments during its first 3 years.


Symptoms: Baby's eyes are bloodshot, tired looking, and teary. Their lids are swollen with lots of gooey discharge.

The Cause: A virus or bacteria. If baby has a viral infection, wait three to five days before sending them back to school -- but just 24 hours if her infection is bacterial.

Treatment: Clean each affected eye with a warm, wet cloth; then apply a cold compress. Your doctor will prescribe antibiotic eye drops for bacterial infections.

Blocked Tear Duct

Symptoms: Lots of discharge that "glues" eyes shut and eyelashes together.

The Cause: As baby develops in utero, the tissue inside the tear duct sloughs off and leaves a hollow core. If that doesn't happen, the tissue remains and blocks the duct.

Treatment: Use a warm, wet cloth to clean the eyes whenever you see discharge. A blocked duct usually opens on its own, and discharge lessens over time. If it hasn't completely dissipated by the time your child is 12 to 18 months, baby may need surgery.


Symptoms: A pimple-like bump on the top or bottom eyelid that can be red and tender.

The Cause: A bacterial infection of the eyelid's glands.

Treatment: Apply a warm compress to the eyelid a few times daily. If the bump is large or very swollen, baby may need antibiotic drops or ointment.

Image credit: Pinterest

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