What Happens During Your 6th Month Of Pregnancy

06 Dec 17 pm31 16:00

6 months old is a half way of your pregnancy. It is another month that you need to have extra care for your safety and the baby's. There’re many symptoms and changes happening during this month. Let’s see what they are!

Symptoms and changes

You may have a chance to get cystitis. It causes from muscles in urinary system that is sometimes flabby. However, you should drink enough water and see the doctor if you have any urine problem.

It causes from you have less acid in your stomach, and food will be there longer. Moreover, when the baby moves around, the stomach will be pressed and becomes acid regurgitation and constipation after.

You will have body pain because your stomach is getting bigger. However, somebody just have a pain in a specific part.

You will gain weight faster than in the first 3 months. Most of moms weight up to about ½ kg per week.  However, the weight is included baby, placenta, blood and water.

Moms usually start cramping when the pregnancy is about 5-6 month old. It happens to muscles in the calves, thighs and toes which is often at night. It causes from not getting calcium and stand up too long. However, you should keep your feet up to let the muscles loosen and drink some milk or menu that have calcium contained.


When your pregnancy is getting older, the uterus will enlarged and press the veins in an abdomen. It will affect to pressure in the arteries is higher, and small blood vessels around leg and calves are popping up. What you have to do is not sitting too long and put your feet a little bit higher to make blood flow.

Digestive system will be get effects because hormones has changed while having baby. You might have dyspepsia, so you should eat in small amount in each meal.

It causes from the uterus contraction because you often change gestures, such as sitting up quickly or standing immediately.

Your body skin is getting darker including freckle and melasma will be appeared as well. Moreover,you can see  black lines on your stomach clearly below navel.

How to take care yourself

Baby is growing up so fast at this time. You should eat high protein from meat and nuts, and iron from liver, eggs and fibers. One more important thing is to drink a lot of water that could help constipation to be better. Moreover, the baby will have a good development as well.

Disease and complications

Toxemia of pregnancy is high blood pressure condition. It will occur to those who have first pregnancy. After 24 weeks of gestation, the symptoms of the complications are included weight increasing which caused from water in the body, various joints of swollen hands and feet, urine blood pressure is higher than or equal to 140/90 mmhq, headache and abdominal pain. Toxemia of pregnancy is can be treated. You have to stay on the bed all the time to monitor sodium levels in the body and take medicine to keep blood pressure in normal level. Just only a few percent of pregnant women who have this condition. If you have high blood pressure of 160/110 mmhq or more, it can cause harm to the nervous system, such as convulsions, kidney failure, kidney and blood circulation failure However, severe symptoms rarely happen if you always see the doctor. If this condition occurs in the third trimester, the doctor may recommend ending up pregnancy.

Usually during pregnancy, the cervix is always closed until the onset of labor. Premature is due to the growing of the baby and put much pressure on the cervix, which causes the abortion. Most abortions occur in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. Cervical premature birth is the cause of abortion during the second trimester of pregnancy because the baby is not ready to live outside. If the cervix is open without the contraction of the uterus, the doctor will be able to diagnose it. Vaginal bleeding is a sign of abortive cervical premature birth.



When you become in 6 month pregnant, you would like to take some good supplementary to support baby and yourself. However, being healthy is not only related to supplementary food, but also your lifestyle. Some moms have higher risk to give birth in 7th month, make sure that you’re well prepared to stimulate baby development in the 6th month by these follows:

Eat foods with a lot of fibers because it helps you have a good digestion. Getting constipation during pregnancy is very painful and affects to the baby. You should eat more fiber, all five groups of nutrition and drink water 8-1o glasses to avoid the constipation.

Getting enough sleep will enhance your health to be better. Mom should sleep tight by listening to music along. Moreover, if you’re happy, the baby is going to be happy too. Whatever you do while you’re pregnant, it will totally affect to baby.

This is a good time to develop baby’s brain system. Talking to the baby while rubbing the stomach is a great way to do because the baby can hear and feel through your belly.

Another suggestion is music therapy to enhance the baby development since he is in the womb such as listening to classical relaxing playlists. There’s a research found that, it will stimulate the baby's brain development.


For the sixth month, mom will be able to recognize the movement of the baby in the womb. It’s development of the integrity of the organs and immune system. The nervous system is beginning to improve, so it can control the muscles, make the flex or flip better and learn to memorize and react to external factors. So, you should focus on baby development more during this time.

Credit image: Pinterest

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