Is A Mommy Makeover Really Necessary To Get The Perfect Body Back?

25 Apr 18 pm30 14:02

There is no doubt about it; pregnancy and childbirth are hard on a woman's body. Add to the strain a few months of breast feeding and a whole lot of sleepless nights caring for a little one, and your appearance is sure to be a casualty of the "mom job". If you have experienced serious changes to your body since having children, there are options available.  But first of all, ensuring you are ready and reading this article from HappyMom.Life before making any decision about this issue.

What is Included in a Mommy Makeover?

The term "Mommy Makeover" is coined for any surgery, or collection of surgeries, that is designed to help restore your pre-pregnancy physique. Some of the most common procedures seen with a Mommy Makeover include:

In some cases, the required procedures are done all at once, in a single surgery. Other patients may prefer to get some of the procedures completed in the first round of surgery, leaving the rest for a later session. The decision of what and how much surgery to do rests with the patient and her doctor.

Who is a Candidate?

While many women have seen stellar results with a Mommy Makeover, the process is not right for everyone. The best candidates for these procedures will be:

What is the Procedure Like?

Surgery experiences vary greatly based on what procedures are done. Patients are usually given a list of pre-operative instructions prior to the surgery. Close adherence to the instructions will make a big difference in the outcome of your surgery. If more than one procedure is done at a time, both the time of the procedure and the recovery time will be longer. Most Mommy Makeovers are done in an outpatient facility or hospital, and many require general anesthesia.

How about the Recovery?

Recovery also varies on Mommy Makeovers, depending on the procedures you have done. Most women will probably need someone with them full time for at least the first 24 hours at home to help with meals and medications. Patients are often restricted from showering for the first couple of days, until sponges and bandages are removed. If you receive drainage tubes during surgery, they are often removed at a visit to your doctor around a week later.

Patients may be required to wear a surgical garment after surgery to prevent blood clots and promote healing. Most patients are on pain medication for at least the first few days. Many patients report that the pain after surgery is at its worst for the first 24 hours after surgery, but subsides quickly after the first day. Swelling usually subsides within a month or two and results can be seen shortly thereafter. Physical activity may be restricted for some time; up to six weeks for heavy lifting, jogging or other strenuous activities.

Are there Risks?

Like any surgical procedure, there are some risks associated with the various surgeries included with a Mommy Makeover. These risks include:

Fortunately, these risks are relatively rare and can be further diminished by choosing an experienced cosmetic surgeon and following pre- and post-surgical instructions to the letter. It is also important to go into your surgery with realistic expectations about the outcome, so you are more likely to be satisfied with the results of your procedure.

Photo Credit: Unplash

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