How Long Will Your Belly Take To Shrink After Giving Birth

25 Apr 18 pm30 14:19

The average newborn weighs approximately 3kg. But how many will YOU weigh when you walk out of the delivery room? And how long will it take for you to get your pre-baby body back? While the timeline is different for every woman and is based on a number of factors—how much weight you gained while pregnant, whether or not you're breastfeeding, your diet and exercise habits—there are certain weight-loss milestones you can mark on your calendar. Look up this article from HappyMom.Life to see how much your belly is changing after deliver process.

24 hours after birth

Women lose an average of 12 pounds almost immediately after giving birth. You have the baby, lose blood, fluids, amniotic fluid. In this 24-hour period, your postpartum "pooch" is already starting to go down, she adds. In other words, a lot of that baby weight

One Week Later

You're still "peeing out" a lot of the fluids, especially if you had an IV/epidural,  meaning you're still losing weight. But don't get on a scale just yet, focus on how your clothes fit instead of what the scale says.

Breastfeeding may also play a role in weight loss: While women are advised to consume an additional 500 calories a day if they are nursing, they often lose more weight after giving birth. Women tend to lose more weight after birth if they are breastfeeding because breastfeeding consumes calories.This isn't true for everyone. Some women may lose weight quicker than others whether or not they are breastfeeding.

Two Weeks Later

W dont think new moms should weigh themselves during the first two weeks, when you still might be establishing breastfeeding and "your hormones are starting to come down.In other words, you're still in that "baby blues" period where seeing an undesired number on the scale might send you straight into tears! Plus, she adds, "the number on the scale is usually not reflective of body fat, so don't discourage yourself. Expert recommends measuring your waist with a measuring tape once a month to track inches instead of pounds.

One Month Later

It almost sounds too good to be true, but it's common for new moms to lose as many as 20 pounds in the month after delivery. Since most women are advised to gain 25-35 pounds while pregnant, one month later, you might be almost back to your pre-baby size!

Six Weeks Later

The uterus returns to the pelvis around this time, so your belly is looking flatter and smaller. "It's a big change as far as the belly goes," Krieger says. Maybe you WILL get to wear your bikini again!

A Few Months Later

If you keep up the healthy eating habits you began during pregnancy, you'll be close to your normal weight within a few months of giving birth. Getting some exercise when you can will help you get fitter, faster, too.

Nine Months Later

Krieger says there's some truth to the saying "nine months on, nine months off." But if you gained more than the recommended 25-35 pounds, it could take a bit longer to look like "you" again. Hang in there! The bottom line is that each woman loses postpartum weight at her own pace.

Photo Credit: Pinterest

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