7 Lovely Baby Items With Interesting Functions

07 Dec 17 pm31 15:33

Nowadays, baby items are so lovely, but sometimes they cannot be used in daily life. However, Happy Mom.Life finds the items especially for baby which not only cute but also help you save energy during the day.

Apollo Bowl

It looks like Apollo but we guarantee that it will not spill out! The bowl is designed to adjust the center of gravity on the side. Although, the baby tries to throw it upside down or even slop over, it will not be sloppy for sure.

Orthodontic Dummy

It is designed for baby who is addicted to milk bottles. Moreover, it will help baby get familiar with the spoon shape in orthodontic dummy. The baby is going to learn how to use a spoon while sucking up milk. The producing company guarantees that, your baby will use a spoon during meals within 2 days.  

Soft Sitting Pad


Mom should provide soft sitting pad for babies who are learning how to balance themselves. It is designed to help them sit back up straight which is important for their personality. There’re several colors to choose from too.

Dummy To Feed Fruits

The dummy looks like a juicer, so you don’t have to cut the fruit into pieces. This item is suitable for babies who are eating and start having teeth. You just put fresh fruit that has already removed the seeds into the cork and let the baby enjoy playing.  

Tableware Picnic Set

A colorful bowl set with small spoons is designed to use when you and family go out for a picnic. It’s easy for you to hold which comes up with a vacuum cap to prevent sloppy food. There are also small compartments to fill up water or milk to mix that you’ve already prepared.

Meal Box

Even though, it looks simple, but the function is amazing. It can be folded into thin sheets after finishing meals. It is very suitable for moms who have a lot of stuff. There’re 2in1 set including spoon and forks.

Lovely Dummy

You can use the dummy to stop baby crying. There’re various designs such as tiny doll, mustache, and etc. The baby will enjoy playing for sure.

Baby items right now are not only lovely and safe, but also provide several functions to support mom. However, the baby still wants a big hug from you no matter how lovely the stuff is.

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