What To Expect During The Ninth Month Of Your Pregnancy

18 Dec 17 pm31 13:39

 You’re entering the last month of pregnancy. It’s about time that baby’s comes out to see the world. HappyMom.Life would like to say a Big Congratulations to the newly mom. However, you have to prepare a lot of things including observing your symptoms to make sure that you’re ready to give birth.

Symptoms and changes 

Belly Changes To Be Lower

During this time, the baby adjusts to be ready for delivery. He/She will be in normal posture; the head and baby bottom will move lower in the pelvis. You can see that, the size of your belly is getting lower. You will feel more comfortable and relaxed.

Heart burns

The uterus will be getting bigger, that will squeeze the stomach and intestine up as well. Then, acids in the stomach is going to return. You might have burning sensation in the chest which can be relieved by eating in small amounts. Moreover, don’t sleep immediately after having meals. You should take a seat for a moment to help prevent heart burns.


You might get more stressed during this month. There’re several causes to make you feel uncomfortable like baby movements, the belly size and etc. However, you should stay calm and take afternoon naps to help you relax more.




How To Take Care Of Yourself

When it becomes month 9 of the pregnancy, you have to prepare stuff for your baby because it’s really close to the birth date and don’t forget to take care of your body and mind to be ready for a great moment.

Practice How To Relax Yourself

 It’s about how to train muscles by contracting and releasing in each part. You might start training from toe, legs, legs, muscles, hips, abdomen, chest, arms, and head.

Breathing Practice

For those who give birth naturally, you should practice how to breathe because it can help relieve pain. Actually, there are several ways to do, such as in taking a deep breath and out from your mouth and doing push up practice 3-4 times in each day. 

Reading Books &  Listening To Music

As you know, stress and anxiety are not good for the baby. If you’re getting stressed, you should do activities such as reading books, listening to music to make you relaxed before giving birth.


Disease Or Complications 

There’re diseases or complications that you need to beware of during this month. However, you should take care of yourself even more especially if you are have your first pregnancy. And it wills sometimes be tricky to make a difference between pain related to pregnancy and others.

Pain from pregnancy: It occurs from the uterine expansion and movement to prepare for delivery. There’re symptoms of pregnancy pains as follows:

-  Pain around the stomach

- You may find a ball in the uterus when touching

- The stomach is quite hard like a ball

-  The abdominal discomfort symptoms will disappear when you sit or lay down.


The actual pain before giving birth are the symptoms of when the uterus is contracted:  

- Feeling hurt around the stomach for longer periods

- Have backache and leg-ache

- There's mucus coming out from the vagina

Moreover, there’re other severe symptoms happening that you have to concern as follows:

Mucus Coming Out From The Vagina

Mucus is a white and sticky substance that usually comes out around 1-2 weeks before giving birth. When you’re in the process, the cervix begins to open up wider which sometimes causes cervical artery. If you find out any mucus with blood is coming out, you should go to see the doctor immediately. It shows that you’re ready to give a birth.


There’s another signal happening when the body releases prostaglandin. It will  contract the uterus. If you have diarrhea, the body will lack of water. It’s risky for the uterine contraction which affects on the birth giving process.

Less Baby Movement

There’s a reason why the baby has less movement. That’s because it is getting bigger and staying in small area. It’s quite difficult to move around. Moreover, there’s limited amniotic acid as well.


Cervical Opens

When the cervix starts opening, it’s an important warning to show the baby is ready to come out. Normally, the cervix is thick, round and always closed. When you’re approaching the birth date, the abdominal cervix becomes thinner and softer. It gradually opens up to 10 centimeters to let baby's head pass during labor.


Amniotic Sac

It often occurs nearly to giving birth but sometimes it can happen even if the pregnancy is not yet to the due date. It is caused by breaking of amniotic sac that makes it flow. It’s clear water like urine, flowing out of the vagina in huge quantities. There’re more than 80% chance to give birth within 12 hours. If you have this kind of symptom, you should go to see the doctor as soon as possible.

If you have any of these signs or conditions. You should go to see the doctor immediately to make sure that you and your baby are safe. These’re the signs showing you’re ready to give birth.

You should have your personal doctor and hospital telephone number in your cell phone or note it down in an easy position. That’s because you may need a lot of helps from the doctor during this month.

Suggestions And Precautions

There're 2 main things to be aware of during this time which are physical health and stuff preparation. You should prepare to make sure that you’re ready for giving birth.

Physical Preparation

-  You should check your health during to the doctor appointments. In the 9th month, the doctor will schedule a pregnancy checkup every week. Some of you may have a birth defect at the 36th week. The doctor always checks how ready you are whether if there is emergency delivery and to see other complications that may occur during the last month of pregnancy.

-  For pre-birth checkups, the doctor will observe the baby's position to make sure that he’s ready to come out or not. The baby must be in the head back down position to wait in the pelvis. In some cases, the infant may not be able to give birth naturally, so the mom has to give birth in cesarean-section instead. If the doctor know the baby development roughly, it will be easier to evaluate mom to prepare themselves.

Prepare Stuff For The Delivery At The Hospital

You should arrange a delivery bag at least 2 weeks before the due date. This way you can go to the hospital immediately if you feel pain. The items you should prepare are as follows.

Documents - Including doctor appointments, medical records, pregnancy records, health insurance, ID card or hospital identification, copies of ID card of parents, and house registration documents...

Personal Items - Such as soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, facial foam, towel, cream, body lotion, and cosmetics to make you look flawless when your friends come visit at the hospital

Underwear for breast feeding and breast pads

Thick Sanitary Pads - Apply to absorb amniotic fluid after giving birth. Actually, Most of the hospitals provide for you but if you have your beloved brand, you should bring with on your own

Bathrobe - Use after taking a bath or when you want to go outside the room in the hospital

Pajamas - In case you do not want to wear the pajamas that the hospital provides for

Shoes and Socks - Should select the ones without heels or wear simple slippers for walking in and out of the recovery room. You may feel cold because you lost some of heat from giving birth; you should wear thick socks to keep the body warm

Gadgets to Play With - Such as smart phones, tablets, chargers, power bank, camera, VDO camera for real time social sharing

Casual Dress – Don’t forget to arrange clothes for welcoming back home. You may wear elastic pants with comfortable blouse

Baby Stuff

Before arranging bags, you should check with the hospital first about what’re stuffs you providing for because each hospital package is totally different.

When it becomes to the 9th month of pregnancy, you commonly feel more excited. However, if you prepare well, there’s nothing to worry about. You should remember that giving birth is a natural and so special moment in life. Stay calm and wait for baby to see the world.


 Photo Credit : Pinterest

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