Figuring Out The Exact Signs Of Labor

06 Feb 18 pm28 18:19

There's no way to predict exactly when labor will start. And even when you notice  early signs of labor, your baby's birth could still be days or weeks away. Your body actually starts preparing for labor as much as a month before you give birth, so you may begin to notice new symptoms as your due date approaches.

HappyMom.Life will be telling you these some early signs of labor:

Most women start having regular contractions before their water breaks, but in some cases, the water breaks first. When this happens, labor usually follows soon after.

When Should I Call My Doctor Or Midwife?

Toward the end of your pregnancy, your doctor or midwife will most likely give you clear guidelines on when to let her know that you're having contractions and when you should go to the hospital or birth center.

Call your doctor or midwife right away or head for the hospital if:

Some women assume that various symptoms and discomforts are just part and parcel of being pregnant, while others worry that every physical change spells trouble. Knowing which pregnancy symptoms you should never ignore can help you decide when to call your caregiver.

That said, every pregnancy is different and no list can cover all situations: If you're not sure whether a symptom is serious, or if you're uneasy and just don't feel like yourself, trust your instincts and call your healthcare provider. If there's a problem, you'll get help. If nothing's wrong, you'll be reassured.

Photo Credit: Pinterest

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