7 Ways To Prevent Kidnapping

2017.12.04 37

There’re a lot of bad people in our society. Parents may worry about the danger to the children, especially kidnapping. The problem has occurred for many times. Some cases disappear for ten year which causes stress to the parents. To avoid the problem, do not let the children be a victim. So, parents should find the ways to prevent it early. HappyMom.Life has gathered all techniques to protect the children from strangers which you can adapt to your little ones.

Setting Up A Password

Another good way to do is to set up a secret password between you and you kid. If any stranger asks you to go with, let him tell the password correctly before going out with him.

Learning From Fairy Tales

Communication with children through fairy tales is a good way to get attention from them. They will not be only interested, but also reduce violence at the same time. It does not affect the mind of the children too much.

Remembering Parents Names & Telephone Number

You should teach the children to speak parents’ names, surnames and phone numbers correctly. If they are young, then write it down and put in the children’s bag. In case of emergency like they get lost from parents or kidnapped and someone helps them, so the children will be able to contact to the parents.

Developing Observation skills

Being observant will totally help the children when they’re in emergency situations. For example, teach them to observe things around, watch people who wearing police uniforms to ask some helps, Parents may invite the children to explore the physical surroundings to practice observation.

Teaching Them How To Say No To People

Some children do not dare to reject adults because they’re not confident to do so. Parents have to teach children how to deny, if the stranger persuades to go out to buy candy or travel with them. So, the children must be dare to refuse and escape from them.

How To React

Emergency situations might happen to your children anytime. It’s good for parents to teach the children how to survive when they’re in that time. For example, if a stranger persuades to go out with them, the children have to deny loudly and then run immediately. You should teach about where safety place is, how to contact the parents and etc.

Although, teaching the children can help the children, but the parents have to take care of them carefully.

Credit image: Pinterest

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