Fertility Myths Most People Believe In That Are Actually Wrong Part II

2018.05.11 3

After reading the first part of Myths In Experiencing Fertility That Most People Do Believe in Part I, you will have some insights about why it's hard for you to get pregnant, but sadly it's not everything. The second part will be giving you more knowledge on the way to easily have baby. Don't miss this article on HappyMom.Life.

Myth 6: You Should Have Sex Every Day—Or Even Twice a Day!—to Get Pregnant Faster

You certainty could have sex every day, if you wanted to. But there’s no evidence that it will help you get pregnant faster. It’s much more likely to lead to burn out and frustration, especially if (or when) you don’t get pregnant in the first month.

Sex every other day, or sex during your most fertile days, is all you need to conceive. In fact, if you had sex three times a week, you’d also be likely to hit your most fertile time.

The reason why more sex doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll get pregnant faster is because conception is about much more than timing. There are a variety of physiological factors that impact whether you get pregnant in any given month. If timing were all it took, people would conceive the first month they tried every time.

Myth 7: The Signs of Ovulation Are Always Obvious

There are many ways you can track or attempt to detect ovulation, from basal body temperature charting to cervical mucus observations, to ovulation predictor tests and more. For some women, one or a few of these methods are perfect, and they have no difficulty using them. That’s not always the case.

For some women, basal body temperature charting won’t work, either because their sleep schedule is too complicated, or they can’t remember to take and record their temperature consistently every morning. For some women, cervical mucus tracking is easy, and for others, they question whether they even have “fertile-quality” cervical mucus.

Even ovulation test kits, which you’d think should be fool-proof, can be complicated. Determining whether the test line is darker than the control line is not always simple.

With all that said, if you’re concerned about a lack of ovulation signs, talk to your doctor. It’s possible you’re having difficulty detecting ovulation because you’re not ovulating. Ovulation problems (anovulation) are a possible cause of female infertility.

Myth 8: If You’re Ovulating, You Won’t Have Trouble Getting Pregnant

Ovulation is essential to getting pregnant—but it takes more than just an egg to conceive. For example, the pathway to the egg must be clear. If the fallopian tubes are blocked, pregnancy can’t occur. Also, you need sperm. Getting pregnant isn’t only about the woman’s fertility.

It’s also important to know that infertility doesn’t always have obvious symptoms. Some fertility problems (in both men and women) are not detectable without fertility testing. It’s not possible to tell without lab testing if a man’s ejaculate has enough sperm cells to be fertile. There may be no obvious signs if a woman’s fallopian tubes are blocked. Ovulation is just one piece of the fertility puzzle.


Myth 9: 40 Is the New 30, Even for Getting Pregnant

Unfortunately, no matter how good you look, and how healthy you are, your fertility declines with age. Your odds of getting pregnant at 40 are not as good as they are at 30. In fact, female fertility begins a steep downward path around age 35.

This is why women over age 35 should seek help for getting pregnant sooner than younger women. If you’re younger than 35, you should try to get pregnant for a year before you talk to a doctor. If you’re 35 or older, you should seek help after six months.

Myth 10: You Can’t Get Pregnant After 40

All that said, getting pregnant after 40 is entirely possible. Plenty of women have babies after 40 and even 41. Your risk of infertility increases at 40, along with your risk of miscarriage. It may also take a little longer for you to get pregnant. But you’re not sterile just because you celebrated your 40th birthday. Even if you’ve started perimenopause, until you’ve actually completed menopause, if you want to avoid pregnancy, use contraception.

Myth 11: Age Doesn’t Matter for Men

You’ve likely seen stories of male celebrities fathering children past age 60. This may have given you the impression that male fertility has no age limit, but that’s not entirely true. While men don’t go through a biological process like menopause, with a definite ending to their fertile years, male fertility does decline with age.

Besides an increased risk of infertility, pregnancy's conceived with men over 40 are more likely to end in miscarriage or stillbirth. There is also an increase risk of certain disease and conditions, including autism, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and childhood leukemia.

One study found that combining female age with a man's age can create fertility problems. They found that when a woman was age 35 to 39, if her partner was five or more years older than she was, their odds of conception dropped from 29 percent (on their most fertile day) to just 15 percent.

Myth 12: Birth Control Causes Infertility

Birth control does prevent pregnancy when you’re using it, which is exactly how you want it to work! But once you stop taking it, your fertility returns. Research has found that birth control does not increase your risk of infertility.

Sometimes, a woman will have regular periods while taking birth control, and then, after she stops, they become irregular. She may think that this means the birth control caused her cycles to be irregular, especially if she had regular cycles before taking contraception. This isn’t accurate, however.

Most hormonal birth control drugs cause an artificial regular cycle. Once you stop taking it, the body takes over. It’s not that the birth control caused your cycles to become irregular, it’s that the birth control was creating an artificial regular cycle.

Sometimes, it happens that a woman conceives easily her first or second child, goes on birth control for awhile, and then when she tries to have another, experiences infertility. It’s easy to blame the birth control for this, but secondary infertility isn’t caused by birth control use.


Photo Credit: Pinterest

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