8 Ways For Him To Make Better 'Baby-Making' Sperm

2018.04.24 24

You are doubted whether you are fertile or not but getting result from doctor isn't a bad news. Here's HappyMom.Life comes up with 8 ways to increase naturally your sperm's quality for better making-baby purpose.

Get His Weight In Check

Being underweight or overweight can have negative effects on a man's sperm, and it can kill a couple's sex life because weight problems can affect a man's libido and performance. Sticking to a healthy diet that contains a good mix of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, grains, and dairy, and fitting in physical activity on most days of the week can help him reach or maintain a healthy weight.

Get More Folate

Folic acid isn't important just for moms-to-be. Men who had lower levels of folic acid in their diet had a higher rate of abnormal chromosomes in their sperm. When sperm with abnormal chromosomes fertilize an egg, it may result in miscarriage or birth defects. More than half of first-trimester miscarriages are caused by chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo. This doesn't mean your guy has to take folic acid pills: A good multivitamin or foods that are high in folate, like beans, leafy green vegetables, whole grains, citrus fruits, and folate-enriched cereals, breads, and pastas, will help him get the recommended 400 milligrams of folic acid he needs daily.

Take Prenatal Vitamins

It takes two to create a healthy embryo, so if women should take prenatal vitamins, so should men. Men should start taking these supplements six months before conception to set the stage for their sperm to be strong, healthy, mobile, and less clumpy. These vitamins should include B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Zinc, and Selenium. Zinc is helpful in maintaining normal testosterone levels. Selenium has been shown to reduce the risk of birth defects and improving low sperm counts. There is no downside to being your healthiest self while trying to conceive with your partner.

Kick Butts

Smoking cigarettes can cause low sperm counts and slow-moving sperm. To give his swimmers a boost, your guy should stop smoking. It's better if he quits as soon as possible, but he should definitely aim to be smoke-free at least three months before you try to conceive. Sperm production takes about three months, so any changes the man makes today won't show up in the semen for at least three months.

He should nix marijuana or other illicit drugs too. Sperm may be damaged by these drugs, and women are more likely to miscarry if their partners use recreational drugs like cocaine, marijuana, and any of the other typical amphetamines.

Can The Beer

He doesn't have to give it up completely, but it's a good idea for men to limit their alcohol intake if they hope to become a dad. Alcohol has been shown to reduce sperm production and cause sperm abnormalities. One to two drinks a day is fine . Another reason he should dry out a bit: A lot of men don't perform as well sexually when they're inebriated

Blow Off Some Steam

Stress can increase abnormal sperm and reduce its concentration. Sleeping and eating well, exercising regularly to work off pent-up energy and tension, making time to hang out with his guy friends (or sit in front of the tube and do nothing!) and other activities that he finds enjoyable or relaxing can help keep his stress in check.

Check His Meds

Before you start trying to conceive, he should make a list of all the medications he takes—including prescriptions, over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and herbal supplements—and check them with his doctor. Some medications can affect the quality or quantity of a man's sperm. If he's using a medication that could possibly interfere with your baby-making goals, his doctor should be able to recommend a more fertility-friendly alternative.


Stay Away From Toxins

If your guy works around a lot of chemicals and toxins, he needs to make sure they don't do a number on his member. Toxic chemicals such as heavy metals, lead, and chemical solvents can increase the percentage of damaged sperm, so men who expect to conceive in the near future should try to avoid them. If his job places him around chemicals, he can limit his contact by wearing a face mask and protective clothing and always using proper ventilation.

Photo Credit: Pinterest

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