10 Symptoms Every Pregnant Woman Will Encounter

2017.11.30 42

Expecting mothers usually have weird symptoms after pregnancy and the symptoms usually vary from person to person. However, there are some symptoms that every expectant mother have. So, HappyMom.Life decided to interview several mothers and we came up with 10 symptoms every women have, to help mothers relax and be less concern with the strange symptoms.

Dizziness, Nausea

This symptom is very normal especially for the first 1-3 months of pregnancy and will feel similar to carsickness. In addition, some mothers may feel dizzy even when they are lying down whereas, others may feel the symptom when they stand up or walk too fast. You will often feel like throwing up.



One of the major symptoms of morning sickness is anorexia. This symptom is a continuous symptom of dizziness and nausea. There will be a bitter taste in your mouth which causes anorexia.

Spicy Food Cravings

Next, you will start to crave sour food. This is because the bitter taste in your mouth will not allow you to taste anything. Therefore, you need to add spice to everything you eat in order to tone down the bitter taste in your mouth. This also helps to reduce dizziness and nausea.

Others may have stranger cravings such as cravings of food with iron or others. You may have to consult with your doctor whether or not the food has any effect on the fetus. If the doctor allows then it is okay to eat those food.

Constantly Hungry

This usually starts at the second trimester (4 months) of your pregnancy when the nausea subsides. This is to make up for the last three months and do not forget that you have a growing life inside you. It is recommended to breakdown your meals into 6 small meals and choose nutritious food. In addition, try to avoid carbs and sugar and try to eat as much home cooked meals.


This is due to the change in hormones and some of you may experience this from the beginning whereas, others may start to experience it in the second trimester of pregnancy. You can be very emotional due to this and this may affect the people around you. Therefore, it is recommended to talk it out with the people around you and explain to them that this may happen.

Signs of Life

This is the most special moment for all the mothers. This is the communication between a mother and a baby which nobody will ever understand. Mothers should keep records of this as the baby can let you know by kicking if there is something wrong.


Around the fifth month of your pregnancy mundane activities like doing the dishes or talking to your friends on the phone can make you feel out of breath. This is because the uterus is growing as well as your stomach and this may make you feel frustrated. You should calm yourself down and try to do everything slower. Also, be careful with everything you do as you have another life growing inside you.

Forget That You Are Pregnant

A lot of expecting mothers tend to forget that they are pregnant and try to do the things they usually do like hugging a side pillow while sleeping or trying to walk through a narrow space. These can be funny moments, so take a deep breathe, laugh it off and try to enjoy your pregnancy.

Pubis Pain

The third trimester of pregnancy starts from the 7th month. During this time of the pregnancy mothers will experience pubis pain. This is because of the increase in weight of the baby. Moreover, a lot of mothers says that period cramps is nothing compared to this pain.

Hot flashes 

Usually you may feel cold but at this time of the pregnancy even 18 degrees of air conditioner is not enough anymore. Therefore, people around you will have to bear with you since you are carrying a baby inside you.

If there are any other symptoms such as, vaginal discharge, bleeding from the vagina, other abdominal pain, excessive flexion, consult your doctor immediately.

Credit image: Pinterest

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