When The Pregnant Mother Feels Her Baby’s First Movements

2017.11.28 430

When pregnancy hits the 4th month, the mother who has complications is going to feel better and enjoy eating more. Moreover, she acknowledges about baby’s first movements. That’s because the baby is growing and has more development.

Symptoms & Changes

  • The belly is getting bigger. The mother’s belly is going to expand; also the uterus will be like small pomelo and going up from pelvic floor. The mother is able to touch the top of her uterus.

  • Baby’s movements - When it becomes the end of the 4th month, the mother is going to be happy and so excited because she can feel like there is a fish nibbling. It shows how strong the baby is. During the baby’s movement, the mother should let the father have the valuable experience of touching her belly. For those mothers who think the baby has only a few movements, you don’t have to worry about that because the baby weights approximately 180 grams and 13-14 centimeters long. The baby is going to act like swimming in a big pool without direction, so each movement might not vibrate that much. The mother should not worry about that, just wait a little longer the baby will have more movements. Moreover, there’s cardiac echo check for mother to know about baby’s development.

  • Heart is working harder . The heart of mother will start working harder to support the increasing blood in the body. That’s because each organ needs a lot of blood to nourish.

  • Varicose Veins - The uterus expanding will press veins down while blood pressure is getting higher and it makes small veins around legs swell. However, the mother is able to prevent varicose veins by not sitting and standing too long and should have something support legs while sleeping to have a good blood circulation.


 How To Take Care Of Yourself

It’s going to be a good time in the 4th month because she will have no morning sickness anymore like previous months. It not only helps the mother relax but also the baby will be healthy and developing effectively such as the brain, eyes, fingers , heart and etc. When there are no complications, it helps the mother eat more. Happy Mom.Life would like to focus on essential food for 4th month of pregnancy as follows:

  • High fiber - Variety of nutrient, grains, fruits and green vegetables that helps the mother have a good excretory system.
  • Fatty acids - Omega from fresh water fish species, tuna, nuts and olive oil. These help reduce risk of having a premature baby.
  • Dairy products - Fermented milk, fresh milk, soy milk and other that made from milk will help the baby produce its teeth and bones.
  • Meats - If the mother does not have any morning sickness, she should eat meat at least a meal per day. It has to be well cooked only to avoid any infections.
  •  Fruits - Mother and baby need vitamins and minerals from fruits, so the mother should eat during her pregnancy or 3 times a week.
  • Iron - The body really needs high iron to produce blood for herself and the baby from the 4th month. The doctor will give you some blood supplementary.

Besides Food, Exercise Is A Must To Help The Mother's & Baby's Health

  • Increase rate of heartbeat
  • Help blood flow
  • Help muscle and body more flexible
  • Reduce stressed feeling
  • Prevent excretory problems

The mother can exercise by swimming, walking in the pool, soft aerobic, yoga. You should not jump, hang body, run or play anything that need a lot of energy because it’s risky to have accident and might affect to baby too.

Diseases and Complications

2 causes of Hemorrhoids

  • Having more blood flow during pregnancy makes the veins expand more than usual and uterus problem is going to press those veins around the stomach. It becomes bad blood after that.
  • When the uterus is getting bigger, it will increase the vein pressure. Also intestines have less movement and can crete excretory problems.

Moreover, it’s better to prevent it. The best way to do is pregnant mother should be careful about food by consuming more fibers such as vegetables, fruits, and drink fresh water as much as possible, also have excretion on time and go out for exercise to enhance intestine’s movement.


Mothers should be careful more because the baby develops continuously.

  • Blood Pressure - In general, the blood pressure goes down a little bit in the first 6 months of the pregnancy and it will go up in case the mother has high pressure and gains more weight. Hands, feet and face are getting bigger and their is a risk of finding kidney stones  in  the urine which represent the severe complications of pregnancy. It’s really dangerous for the mother and the baby, However, the doctor will always check to find out about these unusual morning sickness, so the mother doesn't worry about it so much.

  • Glucose level in urine - Having glucose in your urine doesn’t show that you have diabetes. Insulin will not work well because the baby is going to produce substance to anti insulin in order to limit glucose in the blood that coming into baby. When the baby comes out, the glucose level will be back to the same condition as before, some people who are overweight may have diabetes too. For those who have diabetes should inform their doctor first.

  • Anemia Condition - The symptom often happens to pregnant women because their lack of iron. The easy way to avoid it is to eat more food that has high iron such as liver, blood, meats, chicken, fish and vegetables. Do not forget to take some medicines which the doctor provides.

  • Runny nose and nose bleeding - These symptoms are usually found in pregnant woman because the estrogen and progesterone hormones level in the blood are high. Blood may be stuck as nasal congestion. Sometimes, it makes the mother dizzy and have a cough. However, the mother is able to prevent this by eating vitamin C that can be found in fruits and vegetables like oranges, limes, tomatoes, fresh vegetables or you can get it from supplementary that the doctor provides.

  • Leucorrhoea - There’s more leucorrhoea when you have pregnancy due to before giving birth. Leucorrhoea is clear or smelling. The best way to get rid of is to clean often, stay dry and not to use inserted sanitary napkin. If leucorrhoea has color, is smelling or sometimes feel itchy, you should go to see the doctor.

Beside of variety of changes happened during the 4th - 6th month, the mother should (if possible) go on vacation because morning sickness just left and the belly size is not too big to make you feel uncomfortable. So, we suggest that pregnant women try to go on a happy getaway.

Credit image: Pinterest

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