9 Benefits Of Archery That Will Help Improve Mom's Mind & Body

2018.02.05 4,378

Since having baby are giving tons of fun and happiness to a woman, yet, it's also bringing some serious drawbacks to mom's health in both mind and body. Many surveys had discovered the high levels of women after giving birth have been declining in the efficiency of memory , nervous and muscle systems as well as depression. Therefore,many therapist are giving advice to play archery in case it would improve both their mental and physical health literally. 

HappyMom.Life will show you this sport can make a huge change into their healthy lifestyle.

Improved Hand-Eye Coordination & Balance


 Archery trains the hands to work together while performing different tasks, aiming and firing the arrow based on input from your eyes. Coordination improves with repetition and practice. Balance is also paramount to success in archery, as the body must be held still while aiming and making a shot. Over time, the core becomes better at gaining control of the body’s balance and helps with more accurate shooting.


Archers learn to tune out all distractions, focus on their form, and release the bowstring consistently. Concentrating during archery practice can help you focus better in other areas of life too. Competing in tournaments is also good practice for coping with high-pressure situations.



Strengthen your arms, core, hands, chest and shoulders by practicing a proper draw. Trying to draw a bow with too much draw weight can cause injury, so begin by having a professional set your bow to the correct draw weight. As you build strength and skill, increase your draw weight.


Many things must happen quickly to execute a good shot. Place your feet. Nock your arrow. Grip the bow, but not too firmly. Push the bow away while pulling the bowstring. Find your anchor point. Release. Many of these steps take just a few seconds, but each affects your shot. Don’t worry. Consistent practice builds muscle memory, and your shooting becomes more instinctive.


Besides working your upper body by drawing your bow, you can expect to walk a lot while bowhunting, or when moving between targets when shooting target archery or 3-D archery. If you don’t walk during practice sessions, Prevention magazine says drawing a bow burns about 140 calories per half-hour, the same as walking at a brisk, 3.5-mph pace.


In archery, you can compete against others or against yourself. But the sport isn’t just about hitting bull’s-eyes. Shooting your bow and improving your form with practice also builds self-esteem.


Releasing an arrow, watching it fly, and hearing it strike a target can relieve stress. It makes sense. If you’re learning to focus while building strength and confidence – all while doing a fun exercise – how couldn’t it relieve stress?

Open To All

 Archery can be done by both able bodied and disabled people. People with the most severe disabilities and even the blind, use special tactile equipment and are able to join in – making this a great family sport!

Social Sport

 People of any age and from many walks of life enjoy archery. Almost every age group can participate, competitors from the age of 6 all the way into their 80s are shooting. It also teaches the benefits of teamwork in some cases with some competitions involving groups of people.

Photo Credit: Pinterest

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