Packing Checklist Before Heading To The Hospital For Your Natural Labor

2018.02.06 534

Have everything ready to go when you're 8 months pregnant, since you could go into labor at any time in the weeks before your due date. You may want to pack two small bags for the hospital or birth center: one for the items you'll need during labor, and another for items that you won't need until after you give birth. HappyMom.Life has got some essential guides for you.

What To Pack For Labor

  • A picture ID (driver's license or other ID), your insurance card, and any hospital paperwork you need
  • Your birth plan, if you have one
  • Eyeglasses, if you wear them. Even if you usually wear contact lenses, you may not want to deal with them while you're in the hospital.
  • A bathrobe, a nightgown or two, slippers, and socks. Hospitals provide gowns and socks for you to use during labor and afterward, but some women prefer to wear their own. Choose a loose, comfortable gown that you don't mind getting dirty. It should be either sleeveless or have short, loose sleeves so your blood pressure can be checked easily. Slippers and a robe may come in handy if you want to walk the halls during labor.
  • Whatever will help you relax. Here are some possibilities: your own pillow (use a patterned or colorful pillowcase so it doesn't get mixed up with the hospital pillows), music and something to play it on, a picture of someone or something you love, anything else you find reassuring. If you're going to be induced, think about bringing something to read or watch because it may be a while before labor is underway.

What To Pack For Your Partner/Labor Coach

  • A camera or video camera with batteries, charger, and memory card. Someone has to document the big event! Some hospitals don't allow videotaping of the birth itself, but there's usually no rule against filming during labor or after the birth. If you plan on using your phone to take photos or video, make sure it's fully charged and pack your charger. Note: Not all hospitals let you use plugs in the delivery room, so you might want to bring a battery-powered charger or another way to charge your devices that doesn’t require a plug.
  • Toiletries
  • Comfortable shoes and a few changes of comfortable clothes
  • Snacks and something to read or watch
  • Money (or a credit card) for parking and change for vending machines
  • A bathing suit. If you want to take a bath or shower during labor, you may want your partner to get in with you to support you or rub your back.

Essentials To Pack For Your Baby

  • An installed car seat. You can't drive your baby home without one! Have a rear-facing car seat properly installed ahead of time and know how to buckle your baby in correctly.
  • A going-home outfit. Your baby will need an outfit to go home in, including socks or booties if the clothing doesn't have feet, and a soft cap if the air is likely to be cool. Make sure your baby's outfit has legs (is not a baby "gown," for example) so the car seat strap can fit between them.
  • A receiving blanket. The hospital will provide blankets for swaddling your baby while you're there, but you may want to bring your own to tuck around your baby in the car seat for the ride home. Make it a heavy one if the weather's cold.

What Not To Bring To The Hospital Or Birth Center

  • Jewelry
  • Lots of cash or other valuables
  • Medications, including vitamins. Talk to your doctor ahead of time about anything you think you'll need to take during your stay, so the hospital can provide it.
  • Diapers. The hospital will provide diapers for your baby while you're there. Leave your supply at home.
  • A breast pump. If you end up needing a breast pump for any reason, the hospital can provide one.

Photo Credit: Pinterest

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