4 Months Pregnant | What To Expect

2018.01.24 22

When it enters to the 4th month of pregnancy, moms to be may get better from having morning sickness. You can eat more and another thing is you’re going to experience baby’s movement for the first time. That’s because the baby grows and improves a lot.

Symptoms & Changes

The Stomach Is Getting Bigger

The stomach starts extending. During this time, the uterus is like a small pomelo which rising from the pelvic to the abdomen. Mom is able to touch the top of the uterus.


Baby Movements

When it becomes the end of the 4th month, you will be excited more because of baby is moving. It shows how strong your baby is. You should invite dad to be to touch when the baby is in the stomach. It will enhance relationship among family.

If you don’t feel any baby movement in the 4th month pregnant, please stay calm because the baby is quite small. He weighs about 180 grams and has a body length. (From head to bottom) only 13-14 cm. The baby’s flowing in a big pool without any direction. His movement will not be too much because he has small skeletons.


Heart Starts Working Harder

Your heart will start working harder to support the amount of blood that has been increasing. That’s because vital organs such as the uterus, skin need blood to nourish more.


Varicose Veins

The uterus is getting bigger during pregnancy. It will press veins while the level of pressure in the arteries is higher at the same time. There’re small blood vessels around legs blowing out. However, you can prevent varicose veins by not sitting or standing too long.




 How To Take Care Yourself

It’s the best time when you’re in the 4th months because the morning sickness will disappear. You won't be only relaxed but also the baby is improving as well such as brain, kidney, eyes, feet, fingers, lungs, heart and etc. During this time, you can eat more. Happy Mom.Life will focuses on essential food for 4th month pregnant. Let’s have a look!

High Fiber Foods: Such as cereals, oats, fruits and vegetables to reduce constipation. So, you should be well-prepared for your body and digestive system.

Essential Fatty Acids: Such as omega 3 or fatty acids from freshwater fish, tuna, beans and olive oil. These kind of foods help reduce risk of premature birth.

Dairy Products: Such as milk, fermented milk, soy milk that makes the baby produce healthy teeth and bones.

Meat: If you have no morning sickness or nausea when smelling. You should eat cooked meat to avoid infection.

Fruits: Both of you and your baby require several vitamins and minerals in variety of fruits. During pregnancy, you should eat fruit every day or 3 times a week.

Iron: The body needs a lot of iron to produce blood for mom and baby. If you don’t get enough iron, the doctor will give you some medicine as a supplement.

There’s not only food essential for pregnant mom but also exercise which is important for you and baby to be healthy.

-  Increase heart rate

- Blood flows well

- Stretch muscles to be more flexible and stronger

- Reduce exhaustion

- Prevent constipation symptoms and others.

You’re able to exercise like swimming, walking in the water, soft aerobic dance, and doing yoga. You should not jump, run or play any sport that requires a lot of energy to avoid Risk of accidents and injuries to the baby.

Diseases Or Complications That Need To Looked After

Hemorrhoids happen because of 2 causes: 

- There is increased blood flow in the body during pregnancy. The vein has enlarged more than usual. The uterus is getting bigger and it presses vein in the abdomen that makes blood circulation is not good.

- The more uterus is bigger, the more pressure is in the vein. Moreover, if you have poor intestine movement, you will be suffered from constipation.

It’s better to prevent than treatment. The best way to prevent constipation is to eat more fiber such as fruits, and vegetables every meal, drink a lot of water and exercise regularly to help intestine move better.

Recommendations & Precautions

You should take care of more during this month because it’s the time that the baby has great development. Let’s have a look what you have to be careful more.

Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is slightly lower during the first 6 months of pregnancy. When you’re in the 7th month until giving birth, blood pressure will be higher. In case of high blood pressure and weight has increased rapidly, there is swelling in the hands, feet and face. It shows that there are serious complications of pregnancy, so you should go to see the doctor to check these abnormalities.

 Glycosuria In Urine

Finding out glycosuria in urine may not be diabetic. Insulin is not able to work effectively during pregnancy because placenta will create insulin to control blood sugar level. When the baby is coming out, the level of blood sugar will be in usual condition. However, only some people who are overweight can develop diabetes in the future. For those who have diabetic already, you should tell the doctor for monitoring.

Anemia Condition

It usually occurs with pregnant mom because lacking of iron. The best protection is very simple. You just eat foods that contain high iron, such as liver, blood, meat, chicken, fish, dark green vegetables (the body will absorb the iron contained in the meat) Don’t forget to take iron tablets that the doctor gives you.

Nasal Congestion & Nosebleed

It is common symptom happening in pregnant moms. There’s high levels of estrogen and progesterone in the blood which may cause to blood in the mucosa, cervical mucus runny nose or cough. You should eat more vitamin C which can be found in fruits and vegetables such as oranges, lemons, tomatoes, fresh vegetables or taking vitamin supplements to prevent these symptoms. It helps reduce the fragility of the capillaries and nose bleeding.



There is more leukorrhea coming out more during pregnancy until the prenatal period. Leukorrhea is like mucus and a bit smelly. You should keep clean, stay dry and do not use tampons. If leukorrhea changes color, get itching or burning, you should consult a doctor who is taking care of your pregnancy.


During the first 4-6 months, they’re not only period of change but also vacation time to take some rest outside. You will be better from having morning sickness and nausea while the stomach size is not that big. So, we suggest you to invite your husband to plan the trip and have meals happily


Credit image: Pinterest

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